Internet Marketing is Like Driving a Car

Many of us think that driving is something we are all entitled to. In fact, driving is a privilege. We must take lessons and pass a rigorous test in order to obtain the license that allows us to drive. Once we get behind the wheel, we have to remember that we co-exist with every other driver on the road, regardless of the route we take and the car we drive to our chosen destination.
New drivers are often intimidated by all the traffic on the road, as well as the more experienced drivers who can spot a novice in their midst. It is important to pay attention to those around you in order to learn what to do, as well as what not to do, on the road. Getting stuck in traffic is a great driving lesson: you see how other drivers react in heavy traffic and how they use their vehicles to propel them forward. Some will switch lanes constantly in order to get ahead. This can not only be counterproductive, it can be dangerous. Sometimes, they can gain ground quickly, but most of the time, they end up getting stuck and end up losing ground.
The car you drive will always have its limitations. Some cars are built to perform reliably and get great gas mileage. Others are built for high performance and are driven by individuals for whom cost is not an issue. Chances are, you want a reliable car that gets great gas mileage. Regardless of which vehicle you drive, whether it's a tractor trailer or an ultra fuel-efficient compact car, we all have to respect each other on the road.
The same principles of driving also apply to Internet marketing. You have to learn how to navigate search engine roads the same way you navigate the local streets and highways you drive on. There are rules of the road, and there are also rules of Internet marketing. Respecting those rules will allow you to arrive at your destination safely and successfully.
Here are some Internet marketing "Rules of the Road":
- Some cars are built better than yours. It might be time to put some money into your vehicle or switch to a newer model to improve performance. It may be time to consider upgrading or completely revamping your Web site.
- Tractor trailers are some of the biggest vehicles on the road. Car transporters in particular are capable of carrying a lot of product to one destination. The heavier they are, the more expensive the trip is. Sometimes, you get what you pay for. It doesn't pay to scrimp when it comes to quality transportation when it comes to cars and your online message.
- Most times, the toll road and the car pool lane will get me to my destination faster. Having more than one Web site can help your customers reach their destination faster, even if they don't take the toll road or the car pool lane.
- Cars can't run without gasoline. You have to fill your car with gasoline every so often. You have to change up your Web site content periodically to keep it fresh and interesting.
- Some drivers illegally boost their engines for more power. It's only a matter of time before you get caught speeding. You can do the same on the search engines with "link juice", but it will only take you so far before you get a "ticket".
- Listening to traffic reports will tell you where the problem areas are. Google search engine guru Matt Cutts is the expert when it comes to steering clear of the trouble spots. He explains how to avoid snags and congestion on the information superhighway.
- Avoid the roadblocks at all costs. A few months ago, Google caught J.C. Penney attempting to boost its online engine by using too much "link juice". Now, J.C. Penney drives at the same speed as everyone else. Google introduced its Panda algorithm to slow down some of these turbo-charged vehicles. Their speeds became too dangerous. It restarted everyone from the same point, and even removed some cars from the road for reckless driving.
While the point of driving is to get from Point A to Point B, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the ride. We see many cars that are "pimped out" with fancy chrome exhaust pipes, custom rims and other accoutrements that make people sit up and take notice. Everyone loves to admire and impressive vehicle, just as well all enjoy using an impressive Web site. Indulge in a few extras and they will make you look cool. Think about how everyone loves to read custom license plates that are an expression of who you are. Share a bit of yourself with those around you by taking advantage of social media sites in order to enjoy the ride. But, don't forget: sometimes you're going to need alternate transportation; it never hurts to be familiar with public transit!
The Toronto SEO consultants at CMS Buffet are waiting to help make your commute more fun, and more productive. We're excellent traffic drivers.
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