Put Your Phone Number In a Prominent Place on Your Web Site

If your business caters to emergencies, or if you want to encourage your customers to contact you by phone, you have to place the number where people can see it. The last place anyone will look will be at the bottom of the page, if they were so inclined to consult your site map or your privacy policy. You want that number to be in a place of prominence, so users will grab the phone and call you.
Whether you provide an emergency service like plumbing, heating or even dental work, you want to give users every opportunity to contact you. Generally, phone numbers go in the top left quadrant of a site in a sizeable font, with some eye-catching color contrast. Make sure your number is printed so users can turn it into a hot spot: 416.555.1212. Your phone number should also be included in all your Pay Per Click advertising and links on other sites.
If your preferred point of contact is the phone, always have it in a place where everyone can see it!
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